Business for Success

ISBN: 9780717188833


Author : Laura

The Business for Success package includes:

Short-Answer Question Handbook – included FREE with textbook: Contains 20 years of unit-categorised short-answer questions from Higher and Ordinary Level papers, as well as whole-syllabus revision exercises. It also contains unit glossaries, a guide to short-answer questions and an abbreviations section.

Teacher’s Digital Library: An invaluable library of resources that is clearly linked to the textbook through the use of icons and can be used with the book in an integrated way. It includes:

■ Creative class exercises to develop exam technique for Higher and Ordinary Level students

■ A bank of 40 real-world examples, categorised using key words and accompanied by related weblinks, include a mixture of international brands, current Irish start-ups and firms in emerging business eco-systems

■ PowerPoint presentations with interactive diagrams to help class discussion when talking through topics

■ ABQ guide and solutions

■ Mixed ABQs and solutions

■ Business news bite guide with exercises and samples

■ Guide to Ten-minute Timer Tasks and suggested solutions

■ Class tests

■ Weblinks to extra information and videos

■ List of teaching resources to support lesson planning


Free eBook of this textbook: see inside front cover for details. Gill Education eBooks can be accessed both online and offine!


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