Viel Spaß! 2 – New Edition (Pack)

ISBN: 9780714425184


Author : Eva Clarke

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The second in a two-part series, Viel Spaß! 2 offers the student a fun, accessible and complete introduction to the German language.

Viel Spaß! 2 is a textbook and workbook in one package. Based on the bestselling previous edition, this updated and redesigned book is the ideal learning support for the first year of Junior Cycle German.

Viel Spaß! 2 features:

  • Each chapter includes a variety of authentic reading materials as well as relevant and engaging reading, aural, writing and oral exercises.
  • Focuses on introducing students to many key aspects of life and culture in German-speaking countries.
  • Illustrated dialogues clarify the grammar points that arise in each chapter.
  • Exercises that enable students to use their creativity and imagination to produce a diverse and interesting student portfolio are flagged throughout.
  • Learning objectives at the start of each chapter, an end-of-chapter vocabulary section and a student evaluation form are provided for effective learning and revision.
  • Test booklet with a test for each chapter as well as a revision test after every three chapters.

Viel Spaß2 1 encourages group work through a wide variety of fun games such as quizzes, board and spelling games. Additionally, this edition contains a variety of reading exercises such as emails, blogs, advertisements, picture stories, short stories and excerpts from a German novel. The dialogues and stories are recorded on the CD, so that students can listen to these in class or at home.