Elements of Science – Assessment Book Only

ISBN: 9781915595058


Author : Laura

Elements of Science – Assessment Book Only

  • Retrieval practice questions for every chapter consolidate learning and offer useful end-of-lesson or homework material.
  • Exam-style questions for every textbook chapter, modelled on both Section A and Section B of the Final Examination, provide additional assessment practice at the end of each unit of learning.
  • Take Your Temperature! feature promotes self-assessment and reflection at the end of each chapter.
  • Support and guidance for CBA 2, the Science in Society Investigation, includes Features of Quality, a sample report and an Assessment Task template. A table of suggested SSI topics related to each textbook chapter offers research stimulus for investigating contemporary issues across all branches of science.
  • Support and guidance for the Final Examination includes an overview, advice and model answers to paper SEC questions.


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